Welcome to "The Morgue"
Original sidewalk ad posted around campus, 8/94

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For all of you who have been to "The Morgue" at 509 S. Fell, you can probably remember all of the good times. If you do not know what I'm talking about, then read on to learn more about one of Illinois State's popular party houses during the 1994-1995 school year.

To begin with, a group of friends, including myself, organized a open door party house a few years ago while we were attending Illinois State University. What originally was going to be a private party house became a place for all to have a good time.

It was probably one of the best times I've ever had in my life. To be honest, the income was nice, but our true vision was to throw a party that was better than our competitors - which could be found all over campus. We decided to do many things that were different from the typical keg party, which has left a permanent impression in the minds of many. We had a tight grip on security, and provided a unique atmosphere with loud music and televisions that were in view at all angles. All residents of 509 played an important role, and did something unique to make it a success. The purpose of this website is to get feedback from people that visited The Morgue while at ISU. Time and time again, I run into and hear things from people about our parties. I'd like to start a guestbook from comments that are e-mailed to me, and I am also in the process of compiling photographs and other memories of the place so that it can be "revisited." In the future, look for a "virtual" Morgue tour on this website. So, if you have any good photos or suggestions, please let me know so that I can make this most complete.

Mark Davis.

Click Here to enter The Morgue photo gallery.
A few FAQ's about The Morgue:

  • The cost: $3.00
  • Where the name "The Morgue" came from: Our bar surface was a real morgue table, with a drain hole and all.
  • Original party times: Thursdays 9-?, Saturdays After Hours. Saturdays changed to 9-?, due to too many problems with drunks.
  • The music: Mix of metal, alternative, industrial, and 80s.
  • The beer: Natural Light, and it usually never ran out until around 11:15pm. Parties lasted sometimes until 1:30am.
  • Special events: Theme nights, such as 60s, 70s and 80s night, as well as live bands from all around Illinois.
  • Other extras served: Jello Shots and Southern Comfort shots. We usually had toilet paper too!
  • Total number of Morgue parties thrown: 67
  • Average number of kegs served per party: 5
  • Maximum capacity of the basement: Somewhere around 225 people.
  • Distinguishing characteristics: Painted pictures on some basement walls, a "missle" on the front lawn, and a bicycle dangling from a post in front.
  • Number of times busted: Zero!!

    Comments recently e-mailed to me since the posting of this website:


    Long live "The Morgue"...I am now a senior and I would like to thank the guys at 509 for helping me get through my sophomore year in a alcohol induced haze....Right now my friends live at 509 , Pat, Tim, Cory, etc..etc...It has never lived up to the status that you brought it to my first year here... Savaje21@aol.com


    Yes I have attended parties there when I was a frosh.. back in the fall of '93 and spring of '94, and last year when my friends lived there.. great place but you need to watch the head when walking around in the basement... had some good times there and remember it as if it where yesterday. Skifun3@aol.com


    Mark, Great site. I remember the Morgue vivdly. I am now a senior, and I still haven't found a party, or a bar that can match the good times I had at the Morgue. It all began when I was a Sophomore. The word "Morgue" became a houshold name, and the party became a ritual every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Regardless of tests, presentations or blizzards and 30-below-zero temperatures, about 10-15 of us that lived in Watterson Towers would still make the trek up Fell Ave for the party of a lifetime. I even talked to "Animal" for the first and only time in my life there. Animal might be gone, but the spirit of the Morgue lives on. I hope all is going well for you these days, great work on the site... Jeff Green, Former Daily Vidette Editor, ISU Senior..jdgreen@rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu


    I am a senior at ISU now, I can remeber all of the great times at the morgue. We would go there every Saturday. Thanx for all of the good times. Steve - srmasuc@rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu


    Hey guys! especially Jeff. the morgue, to say the least, was the greatest thing to hit ISU. I was a transfer student back in 94 and the morgue was my first party here. GOD DAMN! THE PLACE FUCKING ROCKED! NO ATTITUDES LOTS OF BEER, OTHER PARTY FAVORS, WOMEN, JUST PLAIN GOOD TIMES!!!! There has not been a party to match it. its a shame you guys are gone, last year before Jeff graduated , I can remember countless occasions reminiscing about that year, when I look back at college, 509 will definately stick out!! thatnks a million guys. LONG LIVE SPOGO!!! -MIKE GRAY


    You guys threw the best parties my freshman year (94-95). I remember going there nearly every weekend and having a blast. The bands were the best, especially the blues (Blackjack) A good time to throw some beer down the hatch and to chill to some decent loud music. I even remember the old beer cases that were stacked up a story and half on the lightpole. It seems as if most of those style parties are a thing of the past now, but I don't do the house scene much.The only draw back was the limited space and low ceilings but that did't much matter when you were trashed. On a final note it seemed like you guys were one of the few parties that had an ample amount of beer for the masses and were not cocky assholes to foolish freshman. Live long and prosper! -rmstevi@rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu


    When I came to ISU as a freshman in '94, my friends and I quickly started looking for parties around campus. Although we frequented many places that year, none have stuck in our mind (and conversation) like the Morgue has. We would get ready on the nights of the parties and all meet at Watterson Towers at 8:45. We HAD to be at 509 by 9pm, or else we ran the possible risk of not getting in or waiting in line forever. I got drunk for the first time in my life on my eighteenth birthday, at where else but the Morgue. All of the guys that lived there were great to us. Mark would put my coat in his room, Jeff would let me have beer even after the keg was officially dry, and Ron, well he was just cool to us. We got totally dressed up for 70's and 80's night. We got to talk to a lot of really cool strangers, drink, dance..whatever. My sophomore year it changed. We thought that it was the house that was so great, but it wasn't, it was what happened there. How many people would even think to put TV's up and show Ferris Bueller during a party? But it worked, and we still talk about the great times we had there. The Morgue WAS my freshman year at college, and I think that was how it should be. Take Care... eklee@rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu


    All I got to say is FUCK YA ALL, just kiddin', I love you guys. The morgue was the best thing that ever happend to any of us, i miss the place alot. I miss getting drunk and other things in that hot dark basement. I miss getting sick every night. I miss pissin all over the place, and blaming it on ex-girl freinds. I miss hangin with the coolest people I've known. I think the morgue was more then just a party house, it was a place where I knew I could crash anytime I wanted, a place where when ever you stopped in there was always somethin goin on. I miss all you guys and especialy some of you girls. Spago is still alive and well, but he must be going now. May all of your lifes be just a little happier whith the thought of the morgue. And hey Jeff I still haven't found that red jacket you used to always ask me about, but I do like eating beans with George Went. Goodnight and drink a beer for me.... Scott Deruntz

    Keep the comments coming and spread the word..Thanx!
    E-mail comments, suggestions, photos, stories or questions to davismv@aol.com. Please feel free to link this site, or to pass it to another member of the Morgue Alumni. This page updated August 2, 2003. Hopefully to be updated again soon - Bookmark it, so you can come back!